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We can supply you greenery that lasts forever

Artificial turf, instead of ordinary grass is becoming more and more common at sports grounds, football pitches, golf courses, parks and playgrounds. Artificial turf is hard-wearing, stays green and requires less maintenance than normal, which provides financial benefits over the long-term.

Brogårdsand offers a natural, round sand which is excellent for laying artificial turf. We have supplied sand for the laying of artificial turf in many parts of Sweden and Norway.

Stable and easy to work with

When laying artificial turf, the sand must be able to hold it down so it does not move when loads are applied to it. We offer a sand that is specially designed to deal with such challenges.

Our sand’s particle distribution and natural roundness make it easy to brush out and form a stable foundation. As the sand is completely clay-free, the soil gets the best possible drainage and weeds find it difficult to take root.